GYM IN A BOX™️ CoreWrap | Waist Slimmer: The World's First Electronic Massager Corset
GYM IN A BOX ™ CoreWrap | Waist Slimmer
An electronic corset that sends pulses to your muscles, like a vigorous massage, causing them to contract and relax.
Integrated Muscle Toning Boosters do the work, you get the results.
With the push of a button, you get 200 pulsating muscle contractions in a 12-minute toning cycle that breaks down unwanted fat tissues for a flatter belly, toned abs and to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
It helps with postpartum belly recovery, smoothens the skin, improves flabby, coarser skin problems and tightens the belly area, toning the abdominal muscles .
Say no to that crazy trainer at the gym who keeps making you do hours upon hours of exercise. Instead, think inside the box with GYM IN A BOX™ to spend your time enjoying life while it does the work for you.
Our specially patented luxury body shaper is just what you need to win. GYM IN A BOX™CoreWrap is the best body shaper around. It features Ultimate Performance Technology ToneUp15™ to firm, tone, and strengthen your abs while molding your waist into perfect shape. Tackle that last stubborn bit of fat and send it packing!
Join our tribe of happy GYM IN A BOX ™ users worldwide!💥

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