Fifty, Sexy, Healthy & Sharp | New PRO-Aging Guide by Nika Cristiani, Creator Of Gym In A Box
Our GYM IN A BOX founder Nika Cristiani just published her first PRO-AGING Guide ' Fifty, Sexy, Healthy & Sharp" on Amazon Worldwide!

NIKA’s book already received glowing 5 out of 5 Star reviews on Amazon, from renowned Beauty experts like Sheryl Wilson of Clientele Skincare, USA:
“ I want to congratulate one of our absolutely favorite and beautiful Women inside and out, Nika Cristiani , Founder of GYM IN A BOX ToneUp15 ®️ Smart Active Wear to tone, shape and contour your entire body, while you wear it!
NIKA is the new Author of FIFTY, SEXY, HEALTHY AND SHARP, available on Amazon RIGHT NOW and I have my copy and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it !
I purchased this book, because the Author, Nika Cristiani, is a well- known advocate for Pro Aging and using what God gave us, our total bodies, face and minds, for as long as we can! I love the title: Fifty, Sexy, Healthy and Sharp! Who doesn't at 50 and over, or approaching, want to be all of those things! The thing I love about the Author Nika Cristiani, is that she has been through so many trials in life and has come out of them victoriously triumphant, because she has faith and also believes in her own abilities!
Nika is highly educated; A Certified Nutritionist and Fitness Expert, an Inventor of a extraordinary technology in fitness to tone up the body as you wear different pieces from her line, without ever having to take an exercise class or go to the gym, if you can't or you're not into it! She speaks five languages fluently! She didn't start out that way, but she made herself learn and lit that fire, so that she could not only be a better person for herself and her Husband, but for all of us; to care for us, about us and teach us! Being 50 can definitely be a reflective time in our lives, in the respect that we begin to see ourselves age and some of us give up after a certain point AND some of the manufacturers of clothes, skin, and hair products, try to make Women over 50, feel irrelevant!
I love that Nika squashes all of that in this uplifting book! Find her on Amazon and push the button. Please don't skim through the title and go on to something else and miss out! Add it to your order! The investment is in you and then for you to pass this book onto others who need a kickstart in their own lives!!!”
Sheryl Wilson, Clientele Skincare

Fall In Love With Your Beauty Again!
By Healthy Aging Advocate, Inventor Of The Year 2022, Creator Of Gym In A Box , Fitness Entrepreneur, Model, Celebrity Trainer , Certified Nutritionist, and TV Personality, Nika Cristiani, who has been coaching and training thousands of women in her successful carrier spanning over of 3 decades .

Beauty Is Not One Thing. It’s Many Things !
“As the saying goes, age is just a number. What matters is how you feel as you age, inside and out. If you feel pretty good on both counts as the years go by, consider yourself aging well.” Nika Cristiani
This Self-Help , Self-Development andPro-Aging Guide unlocks
10 Secret Steps for The Happiest, Healthiest & Most Attractive Version of Woman over 50. Is it time to ditch the term 'anti-aging'?
Happiness Over 50 Is A Choice!
When you read this book, you will know what the 2022 Winner of the Inventor Of The Year Award and Creator of the innovative GYM IN A BOX ®️ SMART FITNESS & BEAUTY product line, NIKA CRISTIANI knows about being a pro aging coach and how easily you can shift your mindset from being fearful of aging to embracing all the great things aging has to offer when we make wise choices coming to fitness, beauty and mental health.
It has everything you need .
When you are done reading it, you will also understand how to use some of the best healthy aging tools on the planet. You will be able to start using them in your life immediately.
Warmly, Nika Cristiani

If you want to bloom, you need to water yourself !
What does that mean? Nika will talk about this and so much more in her new book, get it on Amazon
( Worldwide)
Also available in our GYM IN A BOX Shop:
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