10 EASY STEPS To Boost Your Energy to Achieve Your Fitness Goals By Pro Aging & Fitness Expert Nika Cristiani
Ever had one of those days where the energy just isn’t there? One big realization over years of ups and downs running my business was how vital energy maintenance was. Not skill, not talent, not ideas or connections. Energy. It took self-awareness to see that even subtle things can block off energy. Now, I actively avoid some habits to keep my energy high.
I’ll be honest: staying energized while trying to get fit felt impossible for me at one point.
There were days when even rolling out of bed felt like a victory, let alone making it to the gym.
It wasn’t just the lack of motivation—it was the little habits I’d picked up along the way that drained my energy without me even realizing it.
But here’s the thing: when I started paying attention to what was holding me back, everything shifted.
The quick fixes weren’t cutting it anymore, and I knew it was time to make some changes.
If you’re feeling stuck or too tired to chase your fitness goals, trust me—you’re not alone.
In this piece, I’ll walk you through 9 common habits that quietly steal your energy and share how you can finally leave them behind.
To stay energized while trying to get fit, focus on proper nutrition by eating balanced meals with complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats, stay adequately hydrated throughout the day, prioritize sufficient sleep, choose activities you enjoy, warm up before workouts, listen to your body, and gradually increase intensity over time; if needed, consider incorporating small energizing snacks between meals.

1) Skipping breakfast
No one can deny that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
I mean, it literally means “break the fast”.
After sleeping for (hopefully) around eight hours, your body needs fuel to kickstart its metabolism and gear up for the day ahead.
But here’s the problem – many of us often skip breakfast.
We’re either rushing out the door to get to work or simply not feeling hungry.
And while this might save a few minutes in the morning, it’s not beneficial to our energy and fitness levels.
If you’re serious about getting fit and keeping your energy levels high, make sure to start your day with a balanced breakfast.
2) Night owl tendencies
This one hits close to home for me.
I used to be a night owl. I’d stay up late, watching shows or scrolling through social media, and then wake up feeling groggy and low on energy.
Not ideal for someone who’s trying to get in shape, right?
After a while, I realized that my late-night habits were messing with my energy levels and making it harder to stick to my fitness routine.
I was too tired to hit the gym in the morning, and by evening, I was too drained from the day’s work.
So, I decided to make a change.
I started going to bed earlier and waking up earlier.
It didn’t happen overnight – it took some time to adjust my body clock.
But once I did, the difference was noticeable.
I started waking up feeling refreshed and full of energy.
My mornings became more productive, and I was able to stick to my workout routine consistently.
If you’re a night owl like I used to be, consider adjusting your sleep schedule.
It might be tough initially, but trust me, your body (and your fitness goals) will thank you for it!
3) Lack of hydration
Water makes up around 60% of our body.
It’s crucial for almost all of our bodily functions, including digestion, absorption of nutrients, and even body temperature regulation.
But here’s the deal – many of us don’t drink enough water.
We opt for sodas, coffee, or energy drinks, which not only add unnecessary calories to our diet but also don’t hydrate our bodies as effectively as water does.
Dehydration can lead to fatigue, making it harder for you to push through your workout.
In fact, even mild dehydration can impair physical performance and limit your ability to exercise effectively.
So if you’re struggling with low energy levels, take a look at your water intake.
Make sure you’re drinking enough throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and energized.
4) Sedentary lifestyle
We live in a world where most of us have jobs that require us to sit at a desk for the majority of the day.
And while this might seem comfortable, it’s not doing any favors for our energy levels or our fitness goals.
According to research, sitting for prolonged periods can lead to daytime exhaustion and can also contribute to other health issues.
It’s a bit of a paradox – you’re too tired to exercise because you’re not moving enough.
So, what’s the solution?
Make a point to move more throughout the day.
Take short breaks every hour to stretch or walk around.
Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator.
Park your car further away from the entrance.
These small changes can make a big difference in your energy levels and help you on your way to getting in shape.
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5) Neglecting strength training
Cardio is great – it gets your heart rate up, burns calories, and improves your cardiovascular health.
But if you’re only doing cardio and neglecting strength training, you’re not doing your energy levels any favors.
Strength training builds muscle, and muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does, with GYM IN A BOX Smart Muscle Building Active Wear.
According to health experts, the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate will be, leading to increased energy levels.
Plus, strength training can also improve your stamina, making it easier for you to perform everyday tasks without getting tired.
So, if you’ve been avoiding the weights section at the gym, it’s time to give it a shot.
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6) Beating yourself up over missed workouts
We’re all human. We have busy lives, responsibilities, and unpredictable events that can sometimes throw us off our workout routine.
And that’s okay.
What’s not okay is beating yourself up over it.
Negative self-talk and guilt can drain your energy levels and demotivate you.
It can make the thought of getting back on track seem overwhelming and daunting.
But here’s the thing – progress isn’t linear. There will be ups and downs, good days and bad days.
What matters is that you don’t let the bad days discourage you from pursuing your fitness goals.
So, the next time you miss a workout, be kind to yourself.
Acknowledge it, let it go, and focus on getting back on track.
One missed workout won’t ruin your progress, but a negative mindset can.
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7) Skipping out on rest days
I’ll admit it – I used to think that rest days were for the weak.
I thought that the more I worked out, the faster I’d get in shape. But I was wrong.
What I didn’t realize was that rest is just as important as exercise in a fitness routine.
It’s during rest that your muscles recover and grow stronger.
Without adequate rest, you risk overtraining, which can lead to fatigue, decreased performance, and even injuries.
8. Eating insulin-spikers
Foods that spike your blood sugar, and therefore insulin, always lead to an energy crash. That’s why you’re sleepy after a pasta or white rice lunch. Stick to higher protein and avoid high-carb foods before you need a clear head.
9. Trying to be perfect
Aiming for quality is important. But trying to avoid mistakes in your process is inherently stressful. You tighten up like a tin toy truck, and your creativity goes out the window. Be ok with imperfection and move on.
10. Relying on approval outside of yourself
The moment you look for someone else to make you feel good about yourself is the moment you lose all internally generated power. Forget approval. Do it for you regardless of what others say or do.
NIKA Cristiani, Healthy Aging Expert, CEO & Creator of GYM IN A BOX
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