GYM IN A BOX ™ As seen on TV
Did you ever wonder, who created GYM IN A BOX™ ?
The inventors and creators , Nika Cristiani & Nino Cristiani are internationally recognized fitness technology experts and celebrity fitness trainers. Their extraordinary cutting-edge fitness training techniques brought them to the USA in order to help their top noch clientele to look better, feel better and perform better, in a very short span of time, using state-of-the-art training equipment, with amazing results.

To help everyone benefit from this great STIM-FIT Technology, affordable and accessible to everyone, they started developing the “ GYM IN A BOX” ToneUp15 Apparel for at home use , patented it and now launched the first product of the series, the “ CoreWrap “, followed by the “ PowerPants” in 2022.
This German TV feature “ Hallo Deutschland “, on ZDF is about our patented new STIM-FIT technology - German Engineering, Made In L.A., and revolutionary invention , the "CoreWrap", the World's First Electronic Waist Trainer/Massager Corset and the entrepreneurial life and journey of our Creators & Founders, Nika Cristiani , CEO and Nino Cristiani, CPO, launching a new fitness technology product based on German Engineering, “ made in LA “.

Very proud for this special feature about Germans with special skills who accomplished something extraordinary, making it accessible to everyone.
“My mission is to bring cutting edge technology to fitness apparel and create the world’s first exclusive range of fitness fashion that empowers women to look better, feel better & perform better, simply by wearing it. Fitness At Home has become a new lifestyle and our new Smart Apparel line Gym In A Box™ -Tone At Home”- fits perfectly into this new Zeitgeist“

Get GYM IN A BOX TODAY and start your new FitLife INSTANTLY, with the push of a button only:
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