NIKA Cristiani Coverstory VOYAGE LA Magazine

Thank you Voyage LA Magazine for an amazing Coverstory & Interview with our GYM IN A BOX Co- Founder NIKA Cristiani !

Voyage LA Magazine

Hello readers!

Welcome to Voyage LA Magazine, where we feature inspiring and innovative individuals from the Los Angeles area. Today, we have the privilege of sitting down with Nika Cristiani, the creator of GYM IN A BOX, a revolutionary brand that has been making waves in the fitness and beauty industry worldwide , based in Beverly Hills., California.

Today, we are thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with Nika Cristiani, the creator of the well-known LA brand, GYM IN A BOX by Cristiani’s Balance, Fitness & Nutrition , LLC

a fitness company that offers a range of products and services to help people achieve their fitness and beauty fast. For those who don't know, Nika is a Beverly Hills business owner and a renowned pro-aging advocate , Nutritionist, FitTech Designer, Developer and Manufacturer and published author on healthy aging. She firmly believes in the power of mindset and self-confidence, especially for women over 50.

As a tech-savvy businesswoman, Nika has combined her passion for fitness and beauty to create GYM IN A BOX, a revolutionary fitness and beauty line for all ages. Her technology helps people of any age to build muscles, tone and tighten their skin. Nika's latest venture is "Fit & Firm LOVE YOUR BODY by NIKA," an all-clean, body sculpting, and skin care line made in the USA.

Nika's success and determination prove that age is just a number, and it's never too late to start something new. She wants to encourage women to take control of their lives, be confident in their skin, and never stop following their dreams. She truly believes that women over 50 are rewriting the playbook on sexiness, breaking all stereotypes, and taking control of their own narratives.

Nika has made a name for herself and her brand with her patented ToneUp15®️ MicroCurrent Technology incorporated into all her GYM IN A BOX®️ Smart Apparel and Spa Grade Beauty Devices. This unique technology has helped people of all ages to get fitter, stronger, healthier, and feel more youthful and rejuvenated in just a very short span of time.

Based on science, Nika's muscle stimulating and skin rejuvenating technology ToneUp15®️ has gained popularity among celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum, Jessica Simpson, Kim Kardashian, Kylie and Kendal Jenner and many more. These celebrities use the ToneUp15®️ muscle-building treatments to complement their workouts and look fit for red carpet events. Even at the age of 60 or 70, Jennifer Lopez plans to continue using this technology, proving that age is just a number when it comes to fitness and beauty.

But what sets GYM IN A BOX apart from other fitness and beauty brands is its accessibility and affordability. Previously, this state-of-the-art technology was only available to the rich and famous, but with GYM IN A BOX, everyone can have access to it. The brand has recently been picked up by QVC Germany and UK, and has become a bestseller in just a matter of minutes. Next up, we can expect to see GYM IN A BOX on QVC USA and even in the medical field, as Nika plans to license her technology to help millions of Americans and patients worldwide in their recovery and muscle-building process.

Nika's passion for helping people get stronger, healthier, and fitter at any age is evident in her work. With GYM IN A BOX, she has made it possible for people to keep up with their fitness and beauty routines while on the go. No more worrying about gaining weight or not looking your best while traveling – just take your GYM IN A BOX devices with you and stay on track with your health and beauty goals.

One of Nika's most notable creations is the patented, world's first 15-minute MicroCurrent Facelift Mask. Similar to the treatment that Jessica Simpson uses (Emsface), this was previously available in medi spas for thousands of dollars, but now is accessible for only $150 at Nika's online shop.

The journey towards obtaining these patents began back in 2017, but the overall product development started in 2015. As with any invention, creating something truly innovative and ground-breaking requires a significant amount of time, effort, and resources. But as they say, hard work pays off, and in Nika’s  case, it has paid off in the form of these patents and numerous accolades, including being awarded "Inventor Of The Year 2022."

Nika, thank you for joining us today. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your brand GYM IN A BOX?

“Sure, I am a Beverly Hills business owner and a certified Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) trainer. My husband Nino and I are the brains behind GYM IN A BOX, which is also known as "The Secret Fitness & Beauty Devices Of The Stars". Our patented ToneUp15®️ MicroCurrent Technology that is incorporated in all our GYM IN A BOX®️ Smart Apparel and Spa Grade Beauty Devices helps people of all ages to get fitter, stronger, healthier, and feeling more youthful and rejuvenated in just a very short span of time, you can use the products at home, at the gym, on travels or of course at work to teach your ultimate fitness goals without any restrictions and without having to spend hours at the gym.

Let me share with you some exciting news about our GYM IN A BOX line. We are honored to have received several prestigious awards, including "Best Newcomer Active Wear 2023," "Most Innovative Active Wear 2023," and "Product of the Month 2022." Furthermore, we are proud to have been recognized as "The Secret Training Tools of the Stars" and "Inventors of the Year 2022 for our innovative work in advancing electronic muscle stimulating and body sculpting technology, along with my business partner, husband, and Co-Founder Nino Cristiani. I am also personally thrilled to have been awarded the title of "Rising Star Female Entrepreneur 2023." Our accomplishments have been featured in the October 2023 issue of "Best Holistic Life Magazine" where we were voted as the "Hottest New BodySculpting & Beauty Technology 2024" and as the "Most Loved Product Line among Influencers and their Followers."

As someone who strongly believes in the connection between physical health and successful leadership, I am particularly elated to have been named the "Ultimate Leader 2024" by the Leaders Ultimate Edition Magazine in July 2024, an AI-based VIDEO MAGAZINE for modern leadership inspirations. This recognition is a testament to the positive impact of our patented fitness technology in creating passive fitness concepts in the workplace and solidifying our position as a global market leader in revolutionizing operational Health Management.

While we are grateful for the awards and titles we have received, what truly matters to us is the satisfaction and positive results of our customers. Our products are a reflection of our hard work and dedication, and our main goal is to help others and make a positive difference in their lives. Our loyal customers have shared their amazing success stories, and their testimonials speak volumes about the effectiveness of our products.”

That's incredible. Can you tell us more about your ToneUp15®️ technology and how it works?

“Of course. ToneUp15®️ is based on EMS, which is a muscle stimulating and skin rejuvenating technology. It is used by many celebrities and top athletes David Haye, who used it to sculpt his physique as a boxing world champion. It has also been used by Usain Bolt for power and speed training and by Mark McCoy to maintain strength even after a knee injury.”

Wow, it seems like EMS has many benefits. How did you and Nino come up with the idea for GYM IN A BOX?

“We have been in the fitness industry for many years and had a gym franchise based on these techniques for 2 decades. However, when the pandemic hit, we had to close our business and pivot to online operations. This gave us the opportunity to focus on our vision of bringing EMS technology to the masses. We brought this cutting-edge technology from Germany to the USA in 2015 and have been working hard to make it accessible and affordable for everyone.”

That's amazing. Can you tell us more about your products and how they work?

“Our GYM IN A BOX Smart Wearables are double patented and use EMS technology to tone and strengthen muscles, reduce cellulite, and target fatty areas in the body. They are designed to be used at home, at work, at the gym, or even while relaxing and watching Netflix. Our products are a great alternative to expensive Medi Spa Treatments like Emsculpt, and are suitable for people of all fitness levels.

As the founders, my husband Nino and I have over 50 years of combined experience in the fitness industry and have become leading advocates for health and wellness.

GYM IN A BOX offers a range of products, including smart apparel, beauty devices, and fitness equipment. Our products are designed to be easy to use, travel-friendly, and accessible to people of all fitness levels.

Our products use patented ToneUp15® technology, which is a miniaturized muscle stimulation technology that helps to activate and engage all muscles in a matter of minutes.

The benefits of using  GYM IN A BOX products include:

    - Improved muscle tone

    - Boosted strength

    - Enhanced overall fitness levels

    - Visible results sooner than expected

    - Convenient and portable

    - No risk of injury

    - Sports Recovery & Injury Rehabilitation

    - Skin rejuvenation

    - Muscle recovery & Deep Massage Function

Our Mission is to reinvent the workout routine and make fitness accessible to everyone. We aim to eliminate barriers and help individuals reach their health, beauty, and fitness goals.

GYM IN A BOX’s products offer a range of features, including:

    - Comprehensive muscle activation

    - Targeted stimulation

    - Easy to use

    - Travel-friendly

    - Accessible to people of all fitness levels

As a woman in fitness tech, you are breaking barriers and glass ceilings. Can you tell us about your experience as a woman entrepreneur in this industry?

“It hasn't been easy, but I am proud to be a part of breaking stereotypes and showcasing that age is just a number when it comes to fitness and beauty.

I believe- from own experience and that of many other  BossLadies, Vitality and a fit & firm look as a success factor in leadership.

When you put your heart and soul into creating something new, it often goes unnoticed by the world. People only see the end result, not the amount of money, time, and sweat that goes into it. Our utility & design patents are proof of the effort, dedication, and passion we have poured into our product design & development.

I hope to inspire more women to pursue their dreams and become leaders in the tech industry.

To support my fellow hard working ladies out there as well as all Super Moms, I created a special “Boss Lady Deluxe Set”, one of our Hero Product Bundles

Experience faster toning with our BOSS LADY Deluxe Toning Set! This powerful BodtSculpting Bundle features a MicroCurrent FitBelt in Hot Pink Fuchsia and our LOVE YOUR BODY Fit & Firm Sculpting Gel. Utilize our BodySculpting technology to achieve your desired body with ease! Designed for busy Boss Ladies and Super Moms, this product combination helps you maintain your figure while keeping up with your demanding lifestyle. The GYM IN A BOX FitBelt, our award-winning HERO product, boasts adjustable settings, a self-check function, and wireless technology for optimal results. With just 15 minutes per session, you can see results in just 4 weeks. Don't forget to try our Love Your Body Fit & Firm Sculpting Gel for even quicker results. Formulated with rejuvenating ingredients and free of parabens, this gel will leave your skin smooth and toned. Experience the glow for yourself and try it now!”

That's very inspiring. What sets GYM IN A BOX apart from other fitness and beauty brands in Beverly Hills?

“Our brand focuses on making fitness and beauty accessible for all ages, genders, and fitness levels. We believe that age shouldn't be a barrier to looking and feeling your best. Our products are created with German engineering and are backed by scientific research, making them safe and effective for anyone to use.

GYM IN A BOX is a trailblazer in the fitness industry, driven by a mission to bring health, beauty, and fitness within everyone's reach. Their innovative smart fitness product line and technology are aimed at shattering barriers and empowering individuals to achieve their wellness goals. As seen on TV and newly featured on QVC Home Shopping TV, GYM IN A BOX brings its cutting-edge technology and versatile fitness solutions to millions of viewers. With GYM IN A BOX, revolutionize your fitness routine and experience the future of smart fitness.”

Find all of our GYM IN A BOX products here:

Thank you, Nika, it has been a pleasure speaking with you. Thank you, for sharing your inspiring journey with us. Keep shining and inspiring women of all ages!

“Thank you for having me. I am honored to share my story and hope to inspire and empower others to prioritize their health and well-being with the help of GYM IN A BOX. Age is just a number, and with our innovative technology, anyone can achieve their fitness and beauty goals at the push of a button.”

With GYM IN A BOX, Nika has truly changed the game in the fitness and beauty industry. Her vision of making cutting-edge technology accessible and affordable for all ages is truly inspiring. We can't wait to see what she has in store for us in the future. So, if you're looking for affordable luxury fitness and beauty products with proven results, then GYM IN A BOX is the brand for you.

We hope this interview with Nika Cristiani has inspired you to embrace your age and follow your dreams.

Be sure to check out her brands, GYM IN A BOX , Tite FaceWare and Fit & Firm LOVE YOUR BODY by NIKA, for the ultimate fitness and beauty experience.

To learn more about GYM IN A BOX and its products, visit their website at You can also follow them on Instagram for the latest updates and inspiration.


More about  Nika & Nino Cristiani :


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