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Magic Abs Exercise FitBelt, Abs Workout At Home For Women
Gym In A Box

GYM IN A BOX Figurformender Taillentrainer

Regulärer Preis €185,95
Versand An der Kasse berechnet.
FIT, SCHLANK UND SEXY IN 15 MINUTEN Die neueste Fettreduktionstechnologie für jedes Alter und jeden Figur Typ ist da! 

Bist du auch , wie Millionen andere Frauen und Männer total entmutigt und gefrustet, jemals deinen Traum Body zu haben, Deine Lieblings Klamotten zu tragen,  Du hast jahrelang erfolglos diverse Diäten versucht, unnötig Geld für teure Cellulite Cremes ausgegeben, die nichts bewirken, Gym Mitgliedschaften bezahlt, die Du nicht in Erfolge umwandeln konntest , hast kein Geld fürs EMS Studio, oder teure Beauty Behandlungen und du denkst, einen sexy straffen Body in nur 15 min am Tag ohne jegliche Anstrengung zu erzielen,  ist nicht möglich?


GYM IN A BOX®️ aus Los Angeles, Kalifornien hat eine sensationelle neue Body Sculpting Produkt Line entwickelt , die Dir helfen wird, in sehr kurzer Zeit sichtbare Erfolge zu erzielen und das nur per Knopfdruck und in 15 Minuten am Tag, ohne Anstrengung oder Körpereinsatz! Lots of GAIN, WITHOUT THE PAIN !

Das heisst, viel Erfolg mit wenig Einsatz!


Wir stellen dir heute den revolutionären, mehrfach preisgekrönten, vollautomatisierten GYM IN A BOX ®  ToneUP15 ® Taillentrainer mit neuster EMS Technologie vor- keine Verkabelungen mehr, keine Gel-Pads die du ständig teuer nachkaufen musst (kein Monats Abo, einmaliger Preis!!), der zudem noch wissenschaftlich erwiesen  gegen Schwangerschafts-Streifen und Cellulite hilft über eine mega entspannende Tiefen-Massage Funktion vergütet. Wohlfühlen und besser Aussehen auf Knopfdruck!

Was bringt Dir das Produkt ?

  • Bauchmuskeln stärken 
  • Taillenumfang reduzieren 
  • Fettverbrennung Bauch, Hüfte, Rücken 
  •  Schwangerschaftsstreifen glätten, Bindegewebe Straffung
  •  Rückenentlastung 
  •  Verbesserte Haltung 
  •  Sauna Effekt

Noch nicht überzeugt ?

Hier sind die sensationellen Auswertungen unserer Kunden im Anwender Test:

96 % der Benutzer berichteten nach 4 Wochen

  •  Reduzierte feine Linien und Falten
  •  Gesteigerte Kraft und Ausdauer
  •  Taillenreduktion

 97 % der Benutzer beschrieben nach 4 Wochen 

  •  Sichtbar schlankerer Körper und weniger Fett an Bauch, Taille und Rücken
  •  Mehr Muskeldefinition
  •  Allgemeine Straffung von Haut und Bindegewebe 


Kostet soviel wie eine einzige EMS Session, du kannst es jeden Tag nutzen und bekommst dieselben Ergebnisse bequem zu Hause , im Büro, auf Reisen oder in deinem regulären Fitness Studio, es ist überall einzusetzen!

Der schlankmachende Fitnessgürtel mit integrierter neuer patentierter EMS Technologie lässt die Pfunde purzeln, verbrennt extra Kalorien, hat eine Schwitzgurt Funktion, strafft Deine Bauchmuskeln voll automatisch durch hundertfache Muskel Kontraktionen die parallel Fett verbrennen, verringert den Taillen Umfang reduziert den Bauch Empfang, stärkt und entlastet den Rücken und verbessert die Körperhaltung. Die neue ToneUp15 ®️ Body Sculpting Technologie ist natürlich und für Jedermann gut verträglich. Ausnahmen bei medizinischen Konditionen bitte auch dem Benutzer Handbuch entnehmen. Es handelt sich hier um minimalisiertes Micro EMS, das bei gesunden Menschen täglich angewendet werden kann.

All diese unfassbar genialen Funktionen sorgen dafür, dass die Fitness Ergebnisse schon in ein paar Wochen eintreten, ohne dass du dafür extra Diäten einhalten musst, sofern Du Dich an die Anwendung Angaben des Hersteller hältst. 

Tipp: Benutze den FitGurt einfach einmal täglich für schnellste Erfolge.

Die integrierten patentierten ToneUp15 ®️ Toning Booster übernehmen dabei die gesamte Trainingsarbeit und Du profitierst unmittelbar von der Wirkung.

Deine Taille wird nach und nach verschlankt, während Dein Bauch gestrafft und der Rumpf gestärkt wird.

GYM  IN A BOX®️ FitGurt schmiegt sich wie eine zweite Haut an Deinen Körper. Das hochelastischem Neopren Material mit atmungsaktivem Gewebe verfügt über ein doppeltes Klettverschluss System, welches eine umgehende figurformende Wirkung erzielt und  jeden Body sofort in eine sexy Sanduhr Figur umwandelt.

Der neue EMS ( Elektronische Muskel-Stimulation) Für- Zuhause  - Fitness Gurt besteht aus hochelastischem Neopren mit atmungsaktivem Gewebe und verfügt über ein doppeltes Klettverschluss System mit moderner Korsett Funktion, damit es kinderleicht an Deine Figur angepasst werden kann - auch wenn die Pfunde purzeln, kann er einfach enger geschnallt werden. 

Für optimale Ergebnisse und ultimativen Komfort , befolge bitte sorgfältig die Bedienungsanleitung. Für die die perfekte Größe, bitte orientiere Dich an unserer Größentabelle im Anhang.

Gym In A Box Gym In A Box   

Q: “What is GYM IN A BOX MicroCurrent Smart Apparel and why is it better than Ozempic? Discover the Tingling Sensation of our patented ToneUp15®️ MicroCurrent Technology infused Active Wear for the entire Body + Face, because your face needs a workout, too! 

With the help of our Smart  devices, you can easily target specific areas of your body by adjusting the mode and massage intensity using the host. And the best part? Our Smart Sculpting set comes with a power self-check function for your convenience.

Are you tired of trying every weight loss solution out there, only to end up gaining more weight afterward? Are you fed up with spending a fortune on expensive treatments and medications that promise results but fail to deliver? Well, let me introduce you to a game-changer – GYM IN A BOX Magic MicroCurrent infused Active Wear. Yes, you heard that right. GYM IN A BOX is here to prove that it's way better than using Ozempic or any other fancy medications.

Let's face it, medications like Ozempic may promise weight loss, but they do nothing for your overall health and wellness. Sure, they may help you shed some pounds, but do they build muscles or improve your fitness? No. But fear not, because GYM IN A BOX is here to save the day.

Our patented technology, based on 60 years of science, is the answer to all your weight loss woes. And our latest and most advanced variant, ToneUp15 ®️, is what you need to get in shape. Just push a button and let our MicroCurrent  do the rest. Say goodbye to extra inches, cellulite, and back pain with the all-natural, non-invasive, and risk-free ToneUp15®️ Wearable Fitness & Beauty Technology. 

Our innovative SMART WORKOUT gear is designed to target your entire body, including problem areas like your abs, back, booty, arms, and legs. Our patented ToneUp15®️ BodySculpting technology will help tone your muscles, decrease cellulite and stretch marks, and give you the same results as a 90-minute gym session in just a fraction of the time. Say goodbye to long hours at the gym and hello to convenience with our Gym in a Box home workout solution.Experience improved muscle tone, reduced cellulite and stretch marks, and a sculpted physique with just one click on a button.

Do not use it when pregnant.

If you are not feeling well,  have heart disease, MS,  diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, or any other diseases, please consult your doctor first and do not use it.

Q: Will it help me lose weigh?
ToneUp15® like mechanical exercises, makes your muscles work and thereby burns calories. Studies have shown that this can be a supporting factor in a balanced weight loss program.

Q: "Is it vibrating?“
The effect of the integrated ToneUp15 ® 
Massaging Boosters can make it feel like the product is vibrating, it gives you a tingling sensation whike it contracts and relaxes your muscles. But this effect comes from the contractions of your own stomach muscles. So when you feel a vibrating effect, it is coming from your abs working out. 

Q: “I am thin, can I use it?”
Your body shape does not matter. Everyone can benefit from the effects of our ToneUp15® technology. Just because you are thin does not mean that your muscles are toned or strong. And even if they are,  can still help you to improve their strength and shape.

Q: “Will it create muscles and tone abs?”
Your body creates abs. But it does so only if it is stimulated to do so, that is why we exercise. Wearing GYM IN A BOX with active  ToneUp15® Technology is  great way to support this as it give you an easy way to achieve this stimulation without having to do taxing exercises on a regular basis. 

Q: "Can it hurt me?“
Any effective fitness equipment has the ability to hurt you if used incorrectly. However, working out with  ToneUp15® is particularly kind on your joints and back and can therefore be a safer option for working out than many mechanical exercises. If you follow the product instructions, the product will be safe. Always think of safety first whatever you do. 

Q: “Can I wash it?"
The Smart Apparel can be hand washed as per instructions, but the Power Host & the snaps must be protected from all liquids and moisture. 

Q: “ What does the technology do?”
The technology uses low level ToneUp15® technology to achieve muscle contractions that are similar to a mechanical workout, such as crunches etc. A the top level, it is used by athletes to achieve peak workout performance. For daily use it provides a great support for regular workouts without having to do taxing manual workouts. 

Q: “Will it make me slimmer?”
ToneUp15® like mechanical exercises, makes your muscles work and thereby burns calories. Studies have shown that this can be a supporting factor in a balanced weight loss program.

Q: “Is it safe?”
Any effective fitness equipment has the ability to hurt you if used incorrectly. However, working out with  ToneUp15® is particularly kind on your joints and back and can therefore be a safer option for working out than many mechanical exercises. If you follow the product instructions, the product will be safe. Alway think of safety first whatever you do.

Q: “How long to see results?“
Every body is different and there are no hard and fast rules. Depending on your body you may feel results from the very first use. As with normal workouts, regular use and a healthy lifestyle are preconditions for any positive results. Our research and testimonies vary from noticeable results within the first 8-10 sessions to longer periods. 

Q: “Can I use it at the gym?“
Yes. You can use GYM IN A BIX  in any situation that is safe, as it is wireless wearable FitTech. Adding it to your gym routine can be a very effective way in getting to your desired results sooner. 

Q: “How often can I use it?”
Exercise is only effective is it is done regularly. You can use GYM IN A BOX  daily. Each program has an automatic shut-off to prevent over-use in single sessions. 

Q: “Which size should I choose?”
Please use the size instructions on the products website. 

Q: “Can men use it as well?“
Absolutely, GYM IN A BOX is unisex, gender neutral and can give men and women the same benefits. 

Q: “I’m 70 + can I use it?“
Absolutely, GYM IN A BOX can be used throughout all adult ages. However, if you have any underlying health conditions, please check with your doctor first.   

Q: “I’m pregnant can I use it?“
We do not recommend the use of  ToneUp15® while you are pregnant. Please consult with your medical practitioner prior to any performance related physical workouts.

Q: "What’s the difference to conventional Shape-Wear?"
GYM IN A BOX not only gives you the same shaping benefits as conventional Shape-Wear while wearing it, it also actively stimulates your muscles and helps your body tone and burn fat and improving the appearance of your skin simply by wearing it.

Customer Reviews

Based on 113 reviews
I ordered wrong size

Product is beautiful but I forgot to look at the side chart. Would be better one size fits all. But customer service was amazing, very flexible and fast, they changed it to the right size no problem! The muscle contractions feel great! Can’t wait to reduce waist size!

Better than Ozempic or Tummy Tuck

I have been using this ToneUp 15 FitBelt by Gym in a box for 3 months now. I am literally obsessed as it does reduce waist size like no other product plus the massager function is so rejects and makes me feel so much better .I used Ozempic before but I hated taking this drug and also ozempic doesn’t give you muscle tone or definition like this here… this is so much better. It’s natural and basically just like working out for hours every day- when you’re actually not, you just turn on the device…AWESOME


This is simply the best EMS belt on the market. Full stop!

I lost 40 pounds in 3 months

I wanted to get back in shape so I got GYM IN A BOX. In 3 months I went from 180 lbs to 142 lbs! Can only recommend getting these devices they really work it’s like wearing regular apparel it looks feels amazing !

I’m 76 and this really works!

I can only recommend this CoreWrap to everyone, im using all gym in a box products because they really work! I did 3 months of physical therapy but nothing helped me as efficiently and as fast as these products with the micro current. I use them for pain relief, rehabilitation and building strength and balance
and I got much younger looking, tighter skin on top. Magical ! I habe all the before after to prove, you’ll find them on the brands social media as I was happy to share my amazing authentic results. THIS REALLY WORKS AS PROMISED !!

FIT, SCHLANK UND SEXY IN 15 MINUTEN Die neueste Fettreduktionstechnologie für jedes Alter und jeden Figur Typ ist da!
All natural, no Jo-Jo effect, no more saggy skin

Trage es. Wickeln Sie es ein. Ton es!



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